Mini Women’s Conference

Biblical Womanhood: Answering the Call of Titus 2. Meredith Doster will sharing Biblical principles that relate to being a mother and a wife. We will also have a time of prayer and sharing. This event is FREE and there is no registration. Feel free to invite your family and friends. For more information contact Wanda […]

Passover Meal

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

The adults will be joining the youth and children for a Passover Meal in the education building. We will explain the Passover and how it relates to the Last Supper, Communion and the Crucifixion of Christ. Parents are encouraged to attend this meal with their children. Feel free to invite your family and friends to […]

Women’s Bible Character Play

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

Our women will be portraying some of the women in the Bible. Invite your family and friends to join us for this special time of ministry.

Mother’s Day Service

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We'll honor our mothers, learn about mothers in biblical times, and discover the spiritual purpose for which God created mothers.

Homeschool Meeting

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We'll have a homeschool cover meeting following our morning worship service. At this time you can turn in grades for the year, ask any questions, and fill out registration forms for the coming school year. If you're interested in joining our homeschool cover this would be a great time to get information and get registered. […]