National Day of Prayer

Fairfax First Baptist 510 Denson Street, Valley, AL, United States

Join us for a time of reflection, worship and prayer at Fairfax First Baptist, May 2nd at 6:00 PM EST. We will be praying for our nation and our local community.    

Fish Fry

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We're having a good old Southern Fish Fry following our morning service. We'll provide the catfish and drinks, bring a side and/or dessert if you can. Feel free to invite your family and friends.

Family Ice Cream Party

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We'll all be hanging out and eating ice cream. Everyone is invited. Feel free to invite your family and friends to join us. For more info see Christy Sims: 706-518-8802.

VBS 2024

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

June 24th - June 28th; 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM; Ages K4 - 6th Grade. We'll have music, games, crafts and lunch everyday. And best of all, we'll learn all about Jesus. On Friday we'll have a giant slip and slide and grill hot dogs and burgers. Parents and grandparents are invited to come eat […]

Splash Pad Outing

West Point Splash Pad 1007 Ave D, West Point, GA, United States

We'll meet at the West Point Splash Pad. Bring a picnic lunch and sidewalk chalk. The splash pad is free! Everyone is welcome, bring your family and friends. For more info see Christy Sims: 706-518-8802.

Tea Party

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We'll have a Tea Party for our girls. Light tea foods will be served. We'll also arrange flowers and have games. Please R.S.V.P For more info and to R.S.V.P contact Christy Sims: 706-518-8802.

Boys Nerf War

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We'll eat pizza and have an epic Nerf War! Please bring eye protection and the Nerf weapon of your choice. For more info contact Billy Sims: 706-518-5952.

Special Guest Speaker

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

Tempe Brown will be our special guest speaker during our Sunday morning service. Tempe is eighty four years young and is on fire for Christ. She's a professional singer, author, artist and speaker for the Gideons International. She has an amazing testimony and continues leading people to Christ to this day. Invite your family and […]

Back to School Bash

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

Everyone is invited to come and bring your kids and grandkids to a day of food and fun. We'll have a giant water slide, a splash pad for the little kids, and lots of food and snacks. Invite your family and friends to join us. For more info contact Christy Sims: 706-518-8802.

Men’s Cookout

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We'll get together at the church at 5:00 pm and start grilling some burgers! After we eat we'll have a devotion and hang out. Invite some friends and family to come hang out with us. For more info contact James Hornady: 334-758-4511.