Baby Shower

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We'll have a Baby Shower for Kari and Jason Roberts, Sunday, October 5th from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM EST. They're expecting a boy and are registered at Target and Amazon. For more information or to help with food contact Christy McKinnon: 334-614-2655.

Family Bonfire

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

Will have a bonfire, grill dogs, have smores and other snacks. Don't miss this chance to hangout with your church family! Feel free to invite your family and friends For more info see Christy Sims: 706-518-8802.

Communion Service

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We will share in a time of prayer, worship and receive communion. Come expecting the Holy Spirit to draw you closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Business Meeting

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

The primary purpose of this meeting is to discuss some maintenance issues with the main building.  All members are encouraged to attend.

Community Outreach

Fig Tree Childcare 44 Lee Road 380, Valley, AL

We'll set up in the Fig Tree Childcare parking lot and serve hot dogs, drinks and candy to all of the Trick-or-Treaters. Come help us serve food and share Christ with our neighbors in the Lake Harding community.

Baptismal Service

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

We'll have a special service both baptizing and explaining the spiritual meaning of baptism in the Scripture. Everyone being baptized needs to meet with Pastor Ben in the main sanctuary at 11:00 AM EASTERN.  If you are interested in being baptized please contact Pastor Ben at least a one week prior to being baptized at […]

Operation Christmas Child

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

Please pray about how many shoeboxes you and your family can provide for underprivileged children this year. If you are unable to pack a shoebox you can donate money and we will pack one for you. Also, it cost $10.00 per box to ship it, so you can donate money for shipping as well. Shoeboxes […]

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

Join us for turkey and all of the trimmings. This meal is FREE for all members of our community. Invite your family and friends to join us as we celebrate Thanksgiving together.

Kid’s Play & Decorating of the Christmas Tree

Rocky Mount 9117 Lee County Road 158, Salem, AL, United States

Our children will decorate the Christmas tree, have a play and sing during our morning worship service. We’ll explain the spiritual meaning of the ornaments and the tree during our service. Feel free to invite your family and friends to this event.


Merry-Go-Round 6000 20th Ave, Valley, AL

Following our morning service, we'll go to San Marcos Mexican Restaurant in Valley to share a meal together and then head to the Merry-Go-Round. The Merry-Go-Round is FREE to ride for all ages. Feel free to invite your family and friends. For more info contact Christy Sims: 706-518-8802.